All of our school publications are specifically designed to ensure a continuity of a particular School’s branding whilst serving a practical purpose. We design and publish publications such as year books, Senior School year books, special event programmes, calendars, magazines, annual reports, information booklets, Prospectuses and promotional brochures, just to name a few.

We pride ourselves upon its ability to capture the essence of a school’s spirit by use of imagery, clever design and quality, cost effective printing solutions. Thus ensuring that the final product is one that the school, staff and students will be proud of for years to come.

A quarterly publication is a perfect solution to keep people enthused about your company’s ability to achieve and surpass expectations. A step above a weekly newsletter, a quarterly publication gives a term by term update with colourful pictorials and editorials which can quickly become the most popular and sort after publication a company can offer and is a very powerful marketing tool.

Over the years we have designed and produced several publications of historical value. The one constant we have discovered is the passion of its author. We understand its value within the community and have developed a skill to produce a quality modern publication whilst maintaining the integrity and feel of the era it represents.

These are only some of our past and present companies that have used us and grown by some or all of our professional services.

We research, understand and recognise the specific demographic of an individual publication and create a design strategy to achieve the maximum circulation possible. Our creative team collaborates in the initial stages to ensure the publication’s design and layout is not only suitable for its reader, but will stand out amongst its competitors and entice its potential audience to pick study its content.

A step above a promotional brochure, a catalogue provides a comprehensive list of a company’s products and services. Whether it be for a fine art exhibition, a school cook book or within the corporate sector, a catalogue is the perfect way to increase customer awareness of a company's ability to services their needs. If an existing or potential client has an easily read catalogue of your products, the chances of an up sell can increase dramatically without even trying.

Brochures and flyers are the perfect and cost effective solution to introduce your business to potential customers. With a carefully thought out and professional design layout, you and your brand can reach vast array of people and entice them to make a enquiry about your product.

A website is probably the most valuable marketing tool a business can have. A good website should be easily navigated, with the relevant information available to its reader at the click of a mouse. In this day and age all other marketing material should be designed to draw a customer of potential customer to you website, essentially making a website the centrepiece of a companies marketing collateral.